
Sean Bean Returns in Legends

You cannot keep a good man down, even if he loses his head (as a northern king, that is, in Game of Thrones).  Sean Bean has returned to television as an FBI agent with multiple personalities.  But that is because he is good at transforming and not crazy, or so it would seem.  The new show, Legends, premiered August 13 on TNT.  Here is the trailer as well as a quick summary from a story in the The Los Angeles Times:

In it, he plays one Martin Odum, an FBI agent with such a gift for deep cover that he often has a difficult time establishing where his "legend" ends and his real life begins. The undercover aspect obviously allows Bean to assume many different characters. Not the least of which is Martin, a man clearly troubled by his own internal scaffold of opposing forces. When the action opens, he has spent six months infiltrating a backwoods domestic terrorist group; not surprisingly, his job has already cost him his marriage and threatens his relationship with his young son.

But the same LA Times story also notes that the plot is predictable and Sean Bean may not be able to carry this new series all on his own.  Suffering cops and damaged Federal agents does seem to be a pretty standard tale these days, but happy law enforcement types with care-free lives does not seem to "entertain" us, so I guess we are stuck with such narratives.  Add this to your summer television watch-list if you like, but I see more interesting shows appearing these days. 

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