
GOT: A Horrible End, Yet True to Form

Have you recovered yet from the final episode of Game of Thrones (and leave now if you have yet to see it)? It is understandable that some might think the whole series is nothing but a snuff film given the murder of Jon Snow, and yet the seeds were sown in season one with the execution of Ned Stark.  Kit Harington understood this when he spoke with Entertainment Weekly recently about this character Jon Snow:

His major fault is a bit like Ned’s in that when trying to do the right thing he wasn’t observing the people around him. He had blinders on. All he could really see is this impending doom by the White Walkers and doing things for the greater good, and what he was missing was Olly and [Ser Alliser] Thorne and some of the men around him. He wasn’t seeing their discontent and dealing with the smaller issues. 

So did we walk into the final episode with blinders on as well?  No one is safe in Westeros.  No one.  So switch the channel if you need happy endings.  This has never been one of those shows and more disappointments are in store.  Winter may be coming, but the sword could take them all long before the ground freezes.   

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