
Red Band Society Has a Few More Episodes To Go

If you have been bothered that Fox showed only 10 episodes of the new series Red Band Society, take heart because the last three episodes of the first season will be shown later this month.  Fox really flubbed this show by yanking it from the line up early (as they did with Enlisted, but don't get me started), but at least we can see how the season wraps up, even it is does appear to be the first and only season.  

So plan on watching how it all ends.  Episode 11 will run on Saturday, January 31st, followed by a two-hour finale (episodes 12 and 13) on February 7.  This is another fine show to add to the list of network television train wrecks.  I am starting to like the Netflix and Amazon approach where they commit to and film an entire season before releasing it.  The major networks seem to be too timid to complete what they started. 

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