
HBO: Try Togetherness

Tonight on HBO you can watch the premiere of the new show Togetherness.  HBO has a simple summary to what may be a complex story:

Four adults nearing 40, living under the same roof, struggle to keep their relationships and individual dreams alive.

Two of these adults are married with kids, one is an older sister, and last is a high school friend.  And when you learn that brothers Jay and Mark Duplass are the creators (yes, that Jay from Amazon's Transparent), you know that you are in for a strange and bumpy ride.

In describing his show, Jay Duplass calls it drama and comedy:

The way that we approach our stuff is first and foremost as dramatic work, trying to capture truthful things that are happening and represent them. And comedy, for us, is really a secondary thought. It just naturally comes from our personalities. We tell each other these potentially cringe-worthy stories and we end up giggling about them.

Jay and Mark grew up in New Orleans with Steve Zissis, who plays the high school friend and has a role much like that in his real life.  And Mark Duplass plays the married character. As you can see, this is an intimate story among friends that we get to see over the next few months - eight episodes on all. But the brothers are already planning on a second season and maybe we should as well.

Update: Togetherness has been picked up for a second season. 

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