
Profile: Donal Logue

You have seen him in Gotham, Terriers, and Vikings, just to name of few of the television series where he plays a key role.  Donal Logue is the ever-present and likable actor that everyone sees yet no one seems to talk about, until now.  Rolling Stone magazine had a good article on the actor titled "The Ultimate 'That Guy' Guy." 

I recommend the article if you want to learn a few more facts about this talented actor, including how he started his career with the Boston punk band roadie and nowadays, with off and on work, how he maintains his own trucking company on the side.

I am not overly impressed with the script in Gotham, but that is not Donal Logue's fault.  However, I recommend viewing his work in Vikings and particularly Terriers if you want to see some terrific acting (Donal even spoke about a Terrier movie in this Collider interview).  His laid back style works whether he plays a warlord or a drunken detective.  He deserves more recognition than he gets, but he seems to be happy with whatever comes his way. 

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