
Do We Need Z Nation?

Are you prepared for another zombie series? I'm not a fan of the gore in The Walking Dead, though I thought the film World War Z had some merit until it went off the tracks at the end.  

Tomorrow night (September 12) SyFy will air the new 13-episode series Z Nation. So what should we expect? Well, this story starts three years after the "zombie apocalypse" and deals with a ragtag group of survivors as they attempt to bring a survivor from the East Coast to the West Coast in the hopes of developing a cure. Yes, it sounds like Revolution and similar post-disaster shows, but that's the basic story.  

I may try it out, but I am not too hopeful. This genre has been played out over the years and we are only left with new ways to make the dead more offensive. Maybe a bit of comedy thrown in would help. 

My standard for any zombie series is Britain's In The Flesh (shown on BBC America) which took a different path by making the story about reintegration of zombies back into society and the resulting difficulties. If Z Nation can come close to the British series it may be worthwhile.

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