
Two Great Performances by Jared Harris

Before we start a new television season, it is worth highlighting two great performance by Jared Harris, one as Lane Pryce on AMC's Mad Men and another as David Robert Jones on Fox's FringeSpoiler alert - I discuss key points on both show from last season.

In each show he played a key character who came to an untimely death by season's end.  I write this now that both programs have been off the air for a little while so as not to spoil too much.

His role on Mad Men was that of a shy Englishman who became partner at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce advertising agency after the overthrow of his former employer.  Throughout the series he was always a little bit on the outside not really understanding American ways nor successfully straddling family needs in two countries.  Nonetheless, he was one of the few adults at the firm.  Jared Harris' performance was brilliant all the way to the bitter end when it all became too much and he hung himself in his office.  His fisticuffs with Pete Campbell over a lost account gives is a good example where his English style did not match up with the carefree American ways. 

Fortunately, Mr. Harris has been recognized for his work with a recent Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama (Mad Men has been nominated for 17 Emmys).  When asked by Entertainment Weekly about the end of Lane Pryce and whether the nomination makes it easier, Mr. Harris stated:

Yeah, it is. It takes a little bit out of the sting of being let go. But only a little bit, I do have to say. It’s an incredible place to work. It’s one of those Catch-22 things, the fact that [Weiner] decided to let Lane go meant that I got two seasons worth of storylines this year. But on the other hand, it really has been the best place to go and work, and I won’t be working there anymore. I’m going to miss them all.

Mr. Harris' character on Fringe, David Robert Jones, was equally compelling and balancing role, but this time more as a futuristic Moriarty or a diabolical Joker with a time machine  From the very outset of the show, the main characters were awaiting Mr. Jone's destruction of the universe as we know it and each performance was always a treat even as he was the worse for wear after traveling through another portal (or only his partial self).  His sacrifice at the end of season four by none other than Dr. William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) was a fitting twist to a forever twisting show.  In this clip, various Fringe actors discuss the role of Mr. Harris' character in season four.

While Mr. Harris will not be recognized at the Emmys for his work on Fringe, nor for that matter will the show be recognized in any category, his performance was equally award worthy.  Sadly, Fringe has not been treated well by the Powers That Be even though it has a loyal following and fortunately the support of Fox for one last season (Fringe returns for its fifth and last season on September 28th - here is a quick peak to show you what to expect.)