Steven Van Zandt, who already had a lot of credits in other areas such as music (Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band) as well as television (The Sopranos), brilliantly plays the part of Giovanni Hendriksen, a stereotypical mobster trying to establish his own version of Las Vegas in the Norwegian mountains. He is definitely a fish out of water in his location, or so it seems for the first 5 minutes. And then, oddly enough, he finds ways to blackmail, intimidate, and enrich himself with his new neighbors. If anything, the shows seems to indicate that we are all the same across the globe and subject to the same incentives. But even this dark side to the show is generally fun and well-balanced with other lighter moments as he pursues a romantic relationship.
Dan Schneider in Open Salon stated it well when he noted the following:
The acting
is all first rate, and while there are minor dramatic elements, the fact
that all the Norwegian characters are played and written as boobs means
this show is a comedy, not a dramady. The writing on the show is
surprisingly good...Yes, there are
stereotypes- of both American gangsters and Nordic cultures, but, as a
comedy, it mixes these in unique and genuinely humorous ways. It’s not
belly laugh funny, but it makes you often smirk when you feel you should
not- say, at a moment of would be pathos for the characters.
From everything I have read, the show has been very popular with Norwegians. Now we have to see how popular it is state-side, though Netflix has already ordered a second season, which is encouraging. To enjoy the show you will have to forgive the subtitles. For some odd reason, Giovanni is always speaking English while the Norwegians speak in their own tongue, creating an interesting viewing experience on both sides of the Atlantic. It is somewhat strange that Giovanni can pick up the Norwegian language so quickly, yet this is the least quirky part of this new show. You cannot over-think the program. Just enjoy it.
By the way, if you are looking for a place to visit, consider Lillehammer. Check out events on the city's website. You may not find Giovanni's nightclub, but you can participate in the 20th annual Birkebeinerrittet on August 20th:
Birkebeinerrittet is the world's largest cross country bicycle race with 18.000 participants. The course is 94,6 km long. Starting at Rena, and finishing by Haakons Hall, Lillehammer. Starting at Rena, a small town in Østerdalen, and finishing in the city of Lillehammer, you will experience both the beautiful mountains of the area, be cheered on by onlookers and enjoy music and song performed in close proximity to the food stations.