
Good News for American Crime

I was a latecomer to ABC's American Crime, but I was hooked after the powerful performances I witnessed in season two.  The story of high school bullying and its impact on a town and its adults was riveting. 

am going back to enjoy season one of American Crime, which is a whole different story with many of the same actors and actresses. For instance, I have always enjoyed Regina King since her days with the LA police in Southland, and her part as distraught mother in the second season was scary and amazing.  So I look forward to seeing what she accomplished with season one. 

I am also pleased to read that most the cast from the first two seasons (such as Timothy Hutton, Regina King, and Felicity Huffman) will return for season three and a new storyline. 
And I'm also pleased that Connor Jessup, a new addition in season two, will be returning. As noted in Variety, executive producer Michael MacDinald stated:
Connor Jessup is one of the smartest and most talented young actors working today...[Creator] John [Ridley] and I believe Connor's performance will be even more emotionally shocking than last year as his character helps shed new light on the opiate addiction epidemic that is plaguing America."

Connor Jessup did a superb job as the bullied gay teenager in season two, so I know he can tackle any challenge.  He kept everyone interested and guessing as his character slowly devolved. 

He also did well as a kidnapped then altered teenager in the sci-fi series Falling Skies that ended last year after a pretty bad last season and laughable finale. Yet I blame the writers for that fiasco and not the actors.

Someday Connor will get a role where he is a normal, happy guy. But it hasn't happened yet and we are the beneficiaries of his difficult stories. 

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