
Bordertown on Fox

What do you get when you cross a US border agent with a Mexican gardener? Fox has an idea and will share the results tomorrow night in its new series Bordertown. The animated series, created by Family Guy writer Mark Hentemann, covers the daily interactions of border agent Bud Buckwald and businessman Ernesto Gonzalez.

The Washington Post likes he new show and stated:

The animated comedy...inspires the kind of laughs that come with a wince. How uncomfortable you are will depend on how much you’ve been paying attention to current events.

London's Guardian thinks nothing can save the show:

Oh, it is so excruciatingly bad in exactly all the ways you would imagine. It’s like when you go to a greasy spoon and they serve you up a hamburger that looks a little weird and smells kind of funny but you think, “Nah, it won’t be that bad, who can mess up a hamburger?” but then you take a bite and you want to throw up so bad that you don’t mind if it gets all over your lap. That’s what watching this show is like.

I plan to watch the first few episodes and decide for myself.  While I am no fan of Family Guy, or greasy spoons, this new series intrigues me.

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