
Tut on TV

Are you ready for a summer epic? Spike's mini-series Tut, starting tonight (July 19th), will provide three days of distraction if you need it.  What could be better than a young pharoah marrying his sister and attempting to hold his kingdom together while being attacked from within?  The cold, dead mummy comes to life in this new series.

USA Today noted how the show writers could create a new story without the bother of facts:

We know little about Tut's life beyond the famous items from his tomb — one of which, that glittering gold mask, shows up in the second of Tut's three parts, just to remind us who we're talking about. Free of an historical record they might otherwise be accused of trashing, writers Michael Vickerman, Bradley Bredeweg and Peter Paige are free to invent as they choose.

Hence, you might as we watch Outlander or Poldark, which as fictional pieces might teach you even more about the period represented than Tut.  That's maybe what I will do and skip this new series for now.

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