
More Easter Season Shows: The Dovekeepers

If you are looking for a seasonal special, and Killing Jesus was not enough (or maybe not what you wanted to see), then tonight on CBS you can see The Dovekeepers.  Here is the plot from CBS:

Set in ancient Israel, THE DOVEKEEPERS is based on the true events at Masada in 70 C.E. After being forced out of their home in Jerusalem by the Romans, 900 Jews were ensconced in a fortress at Masada, a mountain in the Judean desert. Besieged at Masada, the Jews held out for months against the vast Roman armies. The project will recount the events from the perspective of a few extraordinary women who arrive at Masada with unique backstories, but a common bond for survival. Additionally, these women, who work together daily as dovekeepers, are all concealing substantial secrets.

This is a two-night special - tonight and tomorrow night.  The story is based on Alice Hoffman's popular historical novel of the same name and produced by the same duo who gave us the History Channel's The Bible two years ago. Of course, this duo turned the biblical figures into action figures more Marvel than historic. Maybe a good book (not THE Good Book) will prevent it this time.

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