
Frequency on The CW

Tonight on The CW you get a chance to watch the third season premiere of The Flash, and you can also try out a new show tomorrow (Oct. 5) called Frequency.  You may remember the film of the same title and inspiration for this new series.  Basically, a child communicates with a deceased father via a ham radio and tries to save him without considering the consequences.  In the film it was a father and son, while the television show has a father and daughter communicating beyond the grave.  

But how can you sustain a radio call for a full season, you might ask. Well, the movie had a number of twists and the series plays them out even further. Here is the trailer if you want to learn more.  

This is the second time travel series this week following on the heels of Timeless. The bottom line for both is that you cannot pick at the past without jeopardizing the future.  Now whether you need to learn this via two shows is another matter.

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