
Alien Hunters on SyFY

Just as The Magicians ends its first season tonight, the new show Hunters magically appears on SyFy.  And while my tastes right now run toward the supernatural, I suppose a good alien hunting series could be a fun change of pace.  

Hunters deals with non-humans hiding among us.  The 13-episode season starts off with kidnapping, terrorism, and more. You can get a taste of it here.

The new series is based on Whitley Streiber's book Alien Hunters.  Here is a quick summary of the plot in the book from Publisher's Weekly:
Opens on a strong note with a terrifying and moving scene. Soon after midnight on November 16, 2002, police detective Errol “Flynn” Carroll discovers that his 22-year-old wife, Abby, is missing from their smalltown Texas home. It looks as if she put three changes of clothes into her backpack before leaving voluntarily. The marriage was happy and she hadn’t mentioned any travel plans, and Flynn spends the next decade trying to discover who or what has taken Abby. When the answer arrives, it’s a doozy: an alien killer has been snatching bodies for nefarious purposes.

The TV series starts with the Errol Carroll as an FBI agent, but you get the point.  Bad things happen to a good man's wife and he is ready to do anything to make it right.   

Sadly, we have plenty of human terrorists to worry about without the need for non-humans.  But that is where we are today, fascinated with a society that is out of control and driven mad by forces we cannot understand. Bleak but true. 

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