
Sherlock Returns in Holiday Special

On New Year's Day, while recovering from a wild night, you can sit back and watch the new Sherlock special on PBS's Masterpiece.  Titled The Abominable Bride, the new adventure can also be seen at movie houses later next week - an interesting rollout.  

This new episode has Sherlock and Watson back in Victorian London, which is quite a change for a show that prides itself on its new modern setting. Asked about the change, Benedict Cumberbatch stated:
I thought it was madness. I thought they'd finally lost the plot, jumped the shark, all the other clichés of television gone mad with itself. Then they expanded the idea and pitched it to me properly and I think it's fantastic. Absolutely brilliant.
We shall see. Sherlock has had three successful (yet short) seasons and a fourth is on its way. So sit back and enjoy the holiday special knowing this is just the beginning of Sherlock in 2016.

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