
Blunt Talk Works

Tonight you can see Patrick Stewart in a comedic role on Starz's Blunt Talk.  In fact, you can go to the website now to see the first two episodes for free.  

The pilot episode was enough for me to want to stick around for more.  Where else can you see a true Shakespearean actor standing on a Jaguar quoting Hamlet after being caught with a transsexual?  Okay, maybe this happens in England all the time, but it's a little new here (even in Hollywood).  Stewart's character is an almost washed up television newsman who lives as much in the past as the present.  Say "Falklands" and you are likely to get a salute. 

It is hard to believe it has been more than 20 years since Mr. Stewart wore the red captain's uniform on Star Trek: The Next Generation.  And while he is so much more, it is still fun to see Captain Picard a little tipsy. 

I also liked seeing Richard Lewis playing the straight role as the psychiatrist.  You have to be in real trouble to trust this guy as your doctor.  

All in all, it was a fun 30 minutes, and nine more episodes will follow.  Better yet, a second season has already been approved.  So sit back enjoy the show.  As Captain Picard would say....Engage!

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