
Trade in Atlantis for SyFy's Olympus

While BBC America's Atlantis came to an abrupt end, do not fret.  SyFy is coming to the rescue tomorrow night (April 2) with Olympus, another myth-filled story for those who like their superheroes of the ancient sort.  

SyFy provided some information on the show:

Olympus tells the story of how a few brave men and women banished the Gods to the realm of the unconscious - a place they called the Underworld or the Kingdom of Hades. The series follows the protagonist as he seeks the truth about his past, which may be intertwined with the Gods themselves.

But what does this really mean?  I was hoping this trailer would make it somewhat more clear.  However, the story provided in the trailer is disjointed, while full of slashing, screaming, and blood.  I get the feeling this is not the buddy series we saw in Atlantis.  This seems to be much darker and more serious, probably to its detriment.  SyFy is providing 13 episodes in the shows first season, giving us plenty of time for it to grow on us. 

Tom York, who plays the main character, warns us about the show during an interview with Blastr:

Firstly, for my character it's not a conventional, mythological, Hercules-like character. He's not a fully formed warrior; steel-faced, unemotional and cold. He's a young man brought up in the forest alone with his mother, and he doesn't know why. Then he sees his mother killed before his eyes, and everything that follows is this young ingenue going on this adventure to try and find out who he is and what his place is in the world. It's through all the darkness and violence that his humanity gets stripped away through the 13 episodes. By the end, if I've done my job, we should see an angry, prepared assassin ready to challenge the gods of Olympus.

A boot camp for the gods?  Interesting, but I am not sure about a whole season.  I am missing Atlantis already.

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