
Season Two of Under the Dome: What to Expect

Tonight (June 30) is the premiere of the second season of Stephen King's Under the Dome on CBS.  And what can we expect? In a recent article, King promised the second season would be darker, stating 

“For me, the most interesting idea is this Malthusian concept that there’s too many people and too little space, there’s starting to be this talk about euthanasia and thinning of the herd, and that’s a scary idea,” said King, who will also make a cameo in the season premiere. “In a fantasy series, you have a chance to tackle some of these hot-button issues, and people will accept it, because it’s only make-believe.”

I just wonder if the body count is necessary because the story is starting to drag.  What could have been a one season phenomena is now stretching into multiple seasons, which runs the risk of thinning the story and messing up the original story line.  And now King seems a bit jealous of George R.R. Martin's role in writing Game of Thrones episodes, so he too is more involved in this series.  However, Dome is no Game, and it would need to be Thunderdome to come even close.   

If you want to get up to speed, you cannot do any better than checking out TV.Com's story "Everything We Know About Under the Dome Season 2 and a Catchup on Season 1." All you have to do is read the summary of the first season's last episode and you start to question you sanity about waiting for season 2.  I would like to think Under the Dome is a guilty pleasure that you cannot tell anyone about, but I am not sure if I could explain it anyway.  Maybe the book is better, but I have put down many a Stephen King book (and movie) without getting to the end.  I think the same may happen here.  Enjoy, I think.

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