
Changes at Parks and Recreations

Tomorrow night (January 30th) we will  sadly see the departure of Ann (Rashida Jones) and Chris (Rob Lowe) from Parks and Recreation.  Both actors have been fun to watch, with Jones being Amy Poehler's friend and sidekick from the beginning.  In tomorrow's episode we will see Ann and Chris riding off into the sunset (towards Michigan from Indiana, so maybe that would be the sunrise) as they plan for the birth of their child.

The show will survive their departure since it is a fun zoo of many animals, but it will certainly be a different show and Poehler's character Ann will need to find a new confidant. 

I am surprised Rob Lowe stayed as long as he did and remained a convincingly odd manager with his extreme dietary and exercise habits, not to mention his roller-coaster of emotions during periods of dating.  Lowe is already slated for a new NBC television movie where he plays a former and now broke tennis champion in The Pro

And check out the website for the City of Pawnee, Indiana, while you have a moment.  You can read about past ballot measures such as Proposition 1D, to approve a yearly government-funded Hunger Games-style competition, and Proposition 99, to replace the Pledge of Allegiance with Adele's "Someone Like You" in all elementary schools.  If only all our city governments were as creative and run so efficiently. 

Update: Earlier I said The Pro was a new series.  Instead, it is a new NBC television movie.  

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