
What Should We Remember?

This is a time of lists, and we all have our own set of special TV shows from the past. For my part, I want to highlight a few sci-fi shows that ended last year and will be missed. While there may be more, these are the ones that stuck with me. They include the following:

-- Battlestar Galactic (my earlier comments)
-- Kings (my earlier comments)
-- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
-- Kyle XY (my earlier comments)
-- Defying Gravity (my earlier comments)

I have mixed feelings about each of these, but I would have liked to see more of each. I tend to agree that Battlestar Galactic ended at a good time, and with spin-off series as well as movies it is not really gone. However, Kings was prematurely killed, Terminator lasted only two seasons but restarted itself in the last episode (so there may be hope), Kyle XY fell off a cliff, and Defying Gravity was never really given a change (except in Canada). And I did not even include Virtuality, a show that never went past the pilot stages. Very odd.

I cannot say the new shows V or Dollhouse gets me excited, but at least we have Fringe to keep all of us sci-fi fans interested. Not much else of this genre that is still alive and worth watching. And yet I remain hopeful (and still somewhat saddened by the treatment of sci-fi in 2009). As always, stay tuned.

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