
Mad Men

Well, season two of Mad Men is over and I am eager for season three. The TV program, set in the early 1960s, could be classified as a history lesson if it wasn't so much fun. Whether you focus on the treatment of women, the role of alcohol, or the lack of parenting, each episode is an eye-opener where one asks "Was the country really this way at one time?" While we might want to go back to that period (regardless of the cool furniture, suave styles and warm undertones), it is great to get this one hour view of the past each week.

Fortunately, AMC has signed on for a third season. And while it appears the cast has signed on as well, there is still a question about whether or not the creator, Matthew Weiner, will be back. Given the success of the program, and the fact that the show has put AMC in the big leagues, it would be unfortunate for this team to be broken up. Let's hope to see everyone back, including Mr. Weiner, in the near future.

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