I thought it was time to warn you away from a few programs, starting with this first article. As we all know by now, the television industry produces a lot of dreck, but I guess I expected a little more from STARZ since they put out the successful Spartacus series. In the case of Party Down: I watched the first episode of the second season and found out what it needs - a laugh track and a good writer. Watching the bumbling antics of food service employees could have been fun, but that was not the case in this show. If it was a reality show it would be typically sad, but at least understandable. And I really get tired of the quotes attached to promos, such as the San Diego Union Tribunes "Laughter in belly busting proportions." Really? I went to the source of this tag, and found it was a one paragraph review thrown out by the author who clearly needed to keep pumping out material to keep the newspaper happy. Notice, the laughter is defined as "inappropriate" and the short piece also mentions"bite-sized humiliations." Humiliated about summarizes my feelings after watching the show.
By the way, I am glad that Jane Lynch moved onto Glee where her talents are truly appreciated.